I just wanted to mention again, when you get a chance, do a search on your eBay items to see what comes up. A friend emailed me earlier and told me her items were not in the search results either. This means we MUST put a few auction listings out there to draw business into our eBay stores. I have personally used the .35 cents 30 day listing option and I haven't made any sales from it, however, I may have sold something indirectly by putting items on auction. Search results are not displaying store items. I have called eBay in regards to this, but in the meantime, if you only have a few items in your store, you may want to close your store and simply list on the 30 day auction listing for .35 cents per item. You will save money.
I removed my store banners, quilted throw pillows, bed ruffles and some of my other miscellaneous things. I hope they put our stores back on the site soon, or I may be closing my store. Why have it open if nobody sees the listings due to their poor search engine?