For those of you with more than one vehicle and only having one car seat that you have to move from one car to another, you know that it is difficult at times to say the least, especially when your hands are frozen and you have to cram the seat belt behind this and that and adjust it just right... Or how about when you get ready to go somewhere and you have JUST enough time to get there and you forgot that you needed to move the car seat? I know... I am blessed to have this as a simple worry in my life :0) Regardless, it was time to start shopping for a booster seat anyway. I found a really cute one at a great price at WalMart.

It was a $50 Graco and it will grow with her into a booster seat. Her other car seat does not have that capability, but a simple booster will suffice when she is large enough to have one. I thought this was a really great price and recommend it to those of you who have children that are not quite ready for a booster, but will soon and for any of you who will be getting a little Christmas money from Santa to purchase a seat for a second or third car.
Did you get any wonderful deals this Cyber Monday?