I have 5 dolls waiting in the wings for their clothes and candle bags to be made. I purchased my candles from Suzanne, beenblossoms and they smell wonderful! I finished one and she sold with the buyer leaving feedback stating that she loved her doll. They are easy to make for me, easy being the operative word, and they have the nostalgic, primitive look that people love. Watch my listings and my blog to see when I finish the next folk art doll...
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Folk Art Dolls
I have 5 dolls waiting in the wings for their clothes and candle bags to be made. I purchased my candles from Suzanne, beenblossoms and they smell wonderful! I finished one and she sold with the buyer leaving feedback stating that she loved her doll. They are easy to make for me, easy being the operative word, and they have the nostalgic, primitive look that people love. Watch my listings and my blog to see when I finish the next folk art doll...
folk art doll
Raggedy Dolls ~ Raggedy Days

Raggedy Ann dolls are so nostalgic, aren't they? I made these three dolls a few months ago from a pattern by Sweet Meadow Farms. They have since sold, but I am thinking about pulling out my Raggedy Ann patterns and doing a few simple ones after the pumpkin season slows down.
raggedy ann,
raggedy dolls,
sweet meadow farms
One More Camping Trip?
Not sure that we will be able to get just ONE more camping trip in... The nights sure are cool here and it truly isn't fun camping when it is cold outside. We were able to go on four trips this summer. We enjoyed going to Pittsburgh to see the awesome fireworks in downtown Pittsburgh... Hershey Park, PA, as is one of our yearly trips, Ocean City, MD, which was such a pleasure excluding driving in "suicide lane" on the Bay Bridge with a camper behind us... and our last camping trip was a simple relaxing trip along the Conococheague Creek. On Labor Day weekend, we did squeeze in a night in the camper parked on the side of the driveway :) We shall see and I will keep you informed! xox
camping trip,
Hershey Park,
Ocean City,
pittsburgh fireworks,
suicide lane
'Til Death Season Premiere
Hubby and I loved to watch 'Til Death last season, however, I think I will refrain from any future episodes if their first episode was any indication of the rest to come. Joy is going through a mid life crises with her sagging breasts and throws herself at two police officers to try to get out of tickets... the first one not intended and the second one intended with a new bra, assuring herself she could get out of that one. What a waste of 1/2 hour of my life... such a disappointment...
til death,
til death season premier
Hurrican Ike... Yikes!
Landfall is forecast early on Saturday between Freeport and Galveston, Texas, which puts Houston and surrounding Harris County on the dangerous east side of the storm. The cloud shield from Hurricane Ike took up nearly half of the Gulf of Mexico Thursday, but as of the late afternoon hours remained at Category 2 strength, with sustained winds of 100 mph. With hurricane force winds extending 115 miles from the center and tropical storm force winds out to 225 miles, conditions along the Gulf Coast will deteriorate long before landfall late on Friday.
gulf coast,
harris county,
hurricane ike,
Exercising With a Stability Ball
Have you heard about them? I finally bought one a few weeks ago and I love to work out with it... I bought the dvd/ball combo and have used it a couple of times and just need to get into a routine of using it more often. It is supposed to help trim your middle area and tighten things up a tad :) It is an easy workout, but you will use muscles that you don't normally use. Here is a link to one from eBay http://cgi.ebay.com/The-Firm-Core-STABILITY-BALL-55cm-w-DVD-exercise-NEW_W0QQitemZ260283656633QQihZ016QQcategoryZ31390QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
exercise ball,
stability ball,
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