We were eating dinner and someone started pecking on the side porch door. I opened the door and the UPS man was standing there, all eyes on Bear. ROFL!! We were expecting him to be here on the 14th. I ordered hubby exercise equipment for his birthday and it came early. Bear was running around and of course, "greeted" the UPS guy. He had thrown Bear a treat to distract him until he could get HELP. He asked if Bear was mine and I told him yes and explained that when we know someone is coming, we confine him. The poor guy told me that Bear had really scary eyes. Bear is a very tall dog, a mutt lab shep mix and who knows what else, and is somewhat intimidating to people that first meet him. I held Bear while the UPS guy could get down the steps and he entered through the back door of his truck and left. I couldn't help giggling, as Bear to me will always be a big baby, but rest assured, he did not allow any space between me and the UPS guy ;)
By the way, the equipment has a chipped piece in it and the main bar is bent, so now I have to return it via UPS... if he'll come back!