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Saturday, April 18, 2009
Bear and Bees
Bear loves to eat bees... He will jump off of the ground to grab one in mid air. He caught this one on the porch today when I was outside with him taking pics... He curls his gums back and bites the bee continuously until he kills it.
Make sure you cut your strips for your ragballs about 1/2" and wrap like you are making a yarn ball. I handstitch the edge of the finished strip onto the ball. I brush on coffee and vanilla mix to give it that old time primitive look and spray with room spray.
A vet told me once that it gives them a buzz - forgive the pun - but really they get a little high off eating them - weird huh?
My dogs are always snapping at the bees and I am afraid they will catch them and get stung. Had no idea they would eat them.
He really looks like a black bear in that picture! It is funny that he likes to kill bees!
LOL No way?? Well, he must have been high all weekend because he ate plenty of them ROFL!! :)
Amazing... I could see a cat chasing a bee, but so funny to see Bear doing it... glad to know he's not the only bee chaser :)
Yes he does Theresa :) He is shedding a ton! I need to give him a bath when it gets a little warmer... xox
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