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Friday, September 12, 2008

Burned to the Ground... Keyes Ferry House

I woke up this morning to a text message from my dh telling me of a fire to the right of our bus stop. When the girls and I walked out of our house this morning heading for the garage, we could smell the stench of smoldering fire. As we arrived at the bus stop, we coud see the lights from the firetrucks and tankers. We live on the mountain and do not have fire hydrants. We have tanker trucks that travel to a local pond and to the Shenandoah River to fill up and then drive to the fire location. I asked someone walking by which house had burned and she told me that their lane was blocked with firetrucks from the surrounding Loudoun County area as well as our own volunteer firefighters. We saw several tankers drive back and forth in front of us. Any house burned is a sad event, but this particular house was the Keyes Ferry House, where they used to run a ferry boat from this side of the river where the house is located, across the river to the mill, taking many to work each day. Teachers own the house and had recently moved to MD, leaving their son in the house. I am *sending prayers* to the family and pray their son was not in the house at the time of the fire. The house burned to the ground, leaving only the chimney. Thank you to all of the firefighters for responding to the call.


Theresa said...

I hope their son is ok. Always hate to hear of these things. I am glad it didn't spread through the mountain, could of really been bad for all. BTW.....I wish I was having your weather, looks like you are having gorgeous weather!


Country*Road*Primitives said...

Fortunately, it is raining here now, so that will help out alot... I just thank Goodness for all of the area fire companies for coming... xox

nanny*goat*primitives said...

Fires are so scary. I hope their son is alright. Keep us posted.


Country*Road*Primitives said...

... will do... xox