Thank you so much for visiting my blog. God BLESS !

Monday, April 14, 2008

Our dog is like Clifford. He kept growing and growing and is quite large. He is a mutt doggie... has a little bit of austrailian sheperd, black lab and who knows what else?? His paws are huge and he can't stand to have his nails clipped. I have tried and even started to do them when he was a puppy. He simply never liked it. He goes through 8 dog treats while I do them LOL!!


Country*Road*Primitives said...

I'm running to the orthodontist this afternoon... a retainer adjustment is needed on one of the kiddos, so off we go...

nanny*goat*primitives said...

Carla, your pictures are lovely! Such pretty scenery in your neck of the woods. Give Bear a scratch from me!
